Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Newsletter 86 June 2018

Dear all   Please find the latest news before the summer holiday:

2018.06.29 | Thomas G. Jensen

Moving plans

In June, moving meetings have been held for group leaders who will share hallway/floor or building complex in order to distribute sqm and discuss common rooms. These meetings now form the basis for applications for classifications and permits from relevant government agencies and institutions, etc. Immediately after the summer holiday, house meetings will be held to inform you about the moving plans for all employees. It is our intention that employees will participate in the house meeting of the building to which they are planned to move. As the meetings have not been entirely planned yet it may, however, be subject to change. At that time, new common safety rules for the Department will also be available. They are currently being prepared by the occupational health and safety organisation.


SDD (Staff Develoment Dialoque)  

At a meeting June 4, the Local Liaison Committee (LSU) discussed the fact that fewer SDDs have been recorded in the 2017-round than expected. This does not necessarily mean that the dialogues have not been held as the IT system AUHRA may not have been used by all, but for good measure, it must be emphasised to all managers and employees that an annual SDD must take place between the employee and the immediate supervisor. The department management team initiates the SDD 2018-round after the summer holiday and when all managers have had their SDD they are expected to arrange SDDs for their employees. If you have any questions regarding SDD or have difficulties using AUHRA, you can contact Anni Høeg on annimh@biomed.au.dk.

The remaining senior interviews of this year are postponed until spring 2019, but will be held on request

The planning of the move - and later on the actual relocation - is going to take up a lot of time for everyone. It has therefore been decided that the senior interviews, which were to be held in 2018, and have not yet been held, are postponed until the beginning of 2019. However, employees who wish to have the senior interview in 2018 are very welcome to contact Anni Høeg annimh@biomed.au.dk and she will arrange it.

Thank you for participating in the evacuation exercise on Tuesday June 12

The evacuation exercise went according to plan and the occupational health and safety organisation is now gathering the experience.


Honorary professors and visiting professors

It is still possible to suggest collaborative partners for appointment as honorary professors. The Faculty has decided that suggestions concerning one of the planned 50 Skou honorary professors must be submitted prior to October 2018, after which it will be decided who will be appointed. Through AUFF, funding for longer stays for visiting professors can be applied for (http://auff.au.dk/en/grants/auff-guest-researcher-grant/). Next application deadline is early September.


Suggestions for recommendations to the Skou award must be submitted no later than August 23.

The Department must no later than September 1, 2018 present recommendations to the Skou award to the faculty. The criterion is that the PhD age is max. 10 years (excluding maternity leave, if any). You are therefore urged to send motivated suggestions for recommendations to me thomas@biomed.au.dk no later than august 23.


Employee introduction

HR provides assistance on how to welcome and introduce new employees. Read more here: 



If you discover damage to water pipes or similar, please phone one of the emergency numbers

If you discover that water is gushing out of a burst pipe or the like, you will find contact information on employees and to the emergency response at AU by the exit doors. It is possible to get in contact with someone 24 hours a day, all year round. Call in order to limit the damage. One of our colleagues did that last Sunday, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for being attentive. 


EU seeks experts to review EU applications (Horizon 2020)

See more here: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html

Experience with the EU system will make it much easier for the experts themselves to obtain a grant.

Information meeting with the Danish Council for Independent Research

The Danish Council for Independent Research hosts an information meeting August 22, 2018 at 13:00, Nobel Lecture theatre, Bldg. 1482-105 Jens Chr. Skous Vej


Newsletters from the Research Support Unit

A good way to be up-dated on funding is to subscribe to the Research Support Unit's newsletters. Read more here: http://auforskningogeksternerelationer.createsend1.com/t/ViewEmail/j/F41312AE7B8EA15A2540EF23F30FEDED

Defence of Doctoral Thesis Ebbe Bødtkjer 

On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 14.00 Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer defends his doctoral dissertation with the title:

"Mechanisms of cellular acid-base regulation: implications for vascular function and breast carcinogenesis".

The defence takes place in lecture theatre 424, Department of Biomedicine, building 1231, Wilh. Meyers Allé, Universitetsparken.


The presence of the management team during the summer holiday

Through July it is possible to get answers to queries, have documents signed, etc. as usual. Write to me  thomas@biomed.au.dk with cc to Anni Høeg on annimh@biomed.au.dk.


I wish you all a wonderful summer. See you in August where we are facing the huge task of moving. However, I am very confident - with the commitment and the talent for solving problems that you all usually show, we have a good premise for a successful move. 


Best regards


Thomas G. Jensen

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine