Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Newsletter 73, April 2017

Dear All Please find latest news:

2017.04.25 | Thomas G. Jensen

Important news about the construction processes

The current plan is that relocation into the Skou-building is taking place from October, but we have been informed that the construction processes are challenged and the relocation date might change. We will inform about the development as fast as possible. 


Status regarding the relocation

As previously described in the newsletter, an important goal for the management team is to make an effective relocation to the Skou building. The management team is busy with the planning and we have Agreed meetings at 14-day intervals with Conor Leerhøy, Technical Manager at the faculty, and we have met with the relocation company. The Working Environment Organization has also taken a number of initiatives. In this phase, it is especially about the cleanup of chemicals. In addition, there are tenders in relation to freezers and equipment. It is the goal that each research group will only be disturbed for a few days, but moving common rooms, reinstalling equipment by external companies, etc. may delay the time until the groups can work as normal again. We will attempt to minimize this period.


An inquiry will soon be sent to all groups in the 1240 complex (Bartholin) and the 1230 complex (Anatomy) on 1)To choose a move manager to act as the group's contact person to the management team, and 2) To provide information about what the group Must have moved and which common equipment you use. On the basis of this information, a plan is made for the relocation of groups, including order. Alongside the initiatives taken by the management team, the working environment organization is active. We urge everyone to follow the instructions given by this organization. They have been agreed with the management team.


AU Regatta April 28th

On Wednesday, mail will be sent to the organizers and guards of the event, so all employees have someone to contact in case of problems in - or by - our buildings. See also the newsletter from March.


May 1

On request, employees at the Department of Biomedicine can leave on 1 May if the work permits. Freedom on 1 May has to be agreed with the nearest leader.


Personel in the animal facility May 1st:

On 1 May, the number of staff in the animal facilities will be limited.

In the period at. 9-12, however, it will be possible to contact people on duty. Contact information for these will be available at the entrances to the facilities on 1st of May.


How do I receive a newsletter from the animal facility

Newsletters from the animal facilities are issued on the basis of mailing lists available in the animal facilities. If you have not received the newsletter from March 2017 and forwardly would like to receive newsletters, please contact one of the team leaders who will ensure that the mailing list is updated. Team leader in Bartholin is Lone Dahl Thomsen, lone.d.thomsen@biomed.au.dk, team leader in Dyrestald Syd is Peter Aakær Nielsen, pan@biomed.au.dk, and the theme leader in Dyrestald Vest is Lene Hornbæk Holm, lhh@biomed.au.dk.


Elections to the department forum

Until April 25, it is possible to object to the candidate lists for the department Forum. On April 29, it will be possible to announce whether elections are held in one or more candidate categories or the candidates have all been elected by the election of peace.


The alcohol policy will enter into force on 1st of June 2017

The collaboration committee has been discussing alcohol policy for a long time and has now agreed on the content. It hereby informs all employees that the policy enters into force on 1. of June. It can be seen here: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/organization/working-environment/alcohol-policy/


Decision in the court in proceedings brought against AU / the department

The case arose in a case of termination of employment, whether we had acted in such a way that a former employee of the Department of Biomedicine was entitled to compensation. Both employees and members of the management team have given testimonies. The substance in the case was who at the department has employment competence. Here we maintained from the AU that the competence lies with the head of department. All appointments must be approved by the head of department, while other employees can only suggest employment. The trial ended with the dismissal of the AU, as it was not proved that we had acted in favor of damages or committed administrative errors. We are of course pleased with this because we wish - and believe that we live up to - that all staff cases are handled properly and professionally.


Please remember possible commercialization of the research

As described in the latest newsletter from March, the department has extensive activity with patent applications. However, TTO states that in several cases there are problems with patents / cooperation agreements as the results have been made public before patent reporting. Therefore: Please remember to consider whether your results may have commercial relevance, and if it is the case to contact TTO (or Claus Olesen) - very early in the process.


The Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Elite Researcher (EliteForsk) travel grants 2018

Health invites proposals for candidates to the prestigious Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Elite Researcher travel grants for talented PhD students. The travel grants must be used for a longer study abroad period in strong international research environments. As the grant must be used in connection with a PhD degree programme, the candidate should have at least one and a half years remaining of their PhD programme at the time of the recommendation being made - which is 1 September 2017. The travel grant is for DKK 200,000 and can first be paid at the beginning of 2018. It can be used to pay enrolment fees and other operating expenses, own travelling expenses, travel and health insurance, as well as accommodation and housing expenses. The grant may not be used to cover the payment of salary. For each candidate the following (Danish language) documents must be submitted:

(A) An thorough academic argumentation for the candidate, including a description of the PhD project’s research level and quality (max. 1 A4 page).

(B) CV and any list of publications by the candidate with an indication of the date of completion of the candidate’s PhD degree programme.

(C) Description of the importance of the study abroad period in relation to the PhD project and a description of the foreign research environment (max. 1 A4 page).

All candidate proposals must be forwarded through the department. The departments deadline for submitting all proposed candidates is 1 May 2017 12pm. 


Minutes from the last meeting of the SU on 28 February can be seen here



Minutes from the last meeting of the department forum on 2 March can be seen here



Yours sincerely


Thomas G. Jensen

Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine, People news