Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Husmøde bygn. 1170

18.01.2019 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Dato tor 07 feb
Tid 09:30 10:30
Sted Kaffestuen


  1. Information from the management and discussion
  2. Specific current topics (your suggestions)
  3. Information from the management of the animal facility and discussion
  4. Information from the health and safety representatives and discussion
  5. Information from the Secretariat and discussion
  6. Information from the Academic Council
  7. Information from LSU - FSU - HSU
  8. Miscellaneous

The meeting will be held in English. Deputy Head of Department Morten Schallburg Nielsen, Secretarial Head Morten Pless, Occupational Health and Safety leader Peder Madsen and Head of the Animal Facilities Jakob Harslund will be present.

Thomas Jensen
Head of Department

Møde, Administration (Faglighed), Alle grupper, Institut for Biomedicin, Institut for Biomedicin