Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Interdisciplinary challenges in the race for Arctic resources

26.08.2016 | projekt sekretær mia korsbæk

Dato tir 06 sep
Tid 09:00 16:00
Sted Moesgaard allé 20, 8270 Højbjerg, Antropologi. Room 4215-032.

- A one-day research workshop on extractive industries

Climate change opens new passageways to the Arctic and non-renewable resource extraction – with its cohort of exploration, development, extraction, processing, shipping, and services – is sparking a growing interest among foreign governments and multinationals at the global level. This shift changes geopolitical balances and makes the Arctic, with this crucial and polyphonic techno-industrial complex, an upcoming and interesting anthropocene resource frontier for interdisciplinary inquiries. This is especially the case with mining and hydrocarbon exploration as industries with the potential to alter and affect all aspects of human and nonhuman life in the arctic environment.


The simultaneousness of planetary climatic, social, political and economic transformations makes the Arctic a dynamic and diverse landscape, where different disciplinary traditions and objects meet in challenging and interesting ways. The region is particularly interesting for the interfaces of social sciences, life and earth sciences and for that reason we are very pleased to welcome Gunhild Gjørv Hoogensen, Professor in International Relations at the Arctic University of Norway, to facilitate a one-day workshop on the key interdisciplinary challenges and human security issues associated with resource extraction in the Arctic. Gunhild’s expertise concerns the impacts of oil and gas development upon Arctic peoples and her interdisciplinary angle will provide a stimulating and insightful discussion for people wishing to attend.


The Extractive Industries Critical Reader Group is composed of researchers from the Arctic Research Center (ARC), Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene (AURA), Danish Center for Environment and Energy (DCE) and finally Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS).


Time/venue: Tuesday 6th September, Moesgaard Antropologi. Room 4215-032.

NB: Due to limited spaces please register with Mia Korsbæk at Korsbaek@cas.au.dk if by Friday 2nd of September if you would like to attend the workshop.
