Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD Defence: Mathias Hein Jessen

18.03.2016 | Institutsekretær Institutsekretær Camilla Dimke

Dato ons 30 mar
Tid 09:00 12:00
Sted Aarhus University, building 1482, Auditorium 105

MA, Mathias Hein Jessen will be defending his PhD dissertation:

'Sovereign bodies. Constitution and construc-tion of State, subject and corporation'

The dissertation is available for reading at the office of Tina Elgaard, School of Culture and Society, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7, Building 1467, room 417.

The defence will be conducted in English and is open to the public. All are welcome.

Tags: PhD Defence