Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


29.08.2014 |

Epicenter Light House Lectures

Margaret Lock The alzheimer enigma amidst global ageing Alzheimer’s disease is described today as an epidemic, with estimates of 115 million cases worldwide by 2050. Less visible are the ongoing onto/epistemological arguments current in the scientific world in connection with entanglements of AD type dementia with “normal”…

29.08.2014 | Administrativt, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, AU Kommunikation


AU Studier inviterer til fredagsbar den 5. september kl. 14.00.

29.08.2014 | Uddannelse, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

Godt studiemiljø kan stadig forbedres

Langt de fleste studerende trives på universitetet, og de vil anbefale Aarhus Universitet som uddannelsessted. Det viser en bred undersøgelse af studiemiljøet på Aarhus Universitet. Men undersøgelsen peger også på, at der bl.a. skal øget fokus på stressniveauet, digital undervisning og tidsforbruget blandt de studerende.

29.08.2014 | Forskning, Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder

Informationsmøde – Det Frie Forskningsråd

DFF holder informationsmøde om efterårets opslag

29.08.2014 | Seminar, Forskning, Alle grupper

ICOA Seminar: Knowledge sharing and organization design: Seeking contingencies in Italian manufacturing SMEs (work in progress)

Luca Giustiniano, Associate Professor of Management and Organization from Luiss, Rome, will be presenting at this seminar.

29.08.2014 | Forskning, Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder

Postdoc Grant (ARTS and BSS) - DFF

Are you planning to apply for a postdoc grant at the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF)? The Research Support Office at AU hosts a workshop which can help you prepare a strong proposal.

29.08.2014 | Seminar, Forskning, Alle grupper

ICOA Seminar: Organization design issues seen from a consulting perspective

Head of research Anders Ramian Trillingsgaard and industrial PhD (to-be) Marianne Livijn, UKON/ICOA, will be presenting the research strategy of UKON and how they meet organizational design challenges in their consulting work. Marianne will also present her industrial PhD project.

29.08.2014 | Seminar, Forskning, Alle grupper

ICOA Seminar: The value of long-term employer-employee cooperation: A study of job satisfaction surveys and employee retention

Anders Frederiksen, Professor at AU Herning, will be presenting at this ICOA seminar

29.08.2014 | Politik og strategi, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, AU Kommunikation

Referat fra LGM 21.08.14

Ny beskrivelse af partnerordningen er på vej, og interne jobopslag skal vises på medarbejderportalen.

28.08.2014 | Forskning, Forskning, Videnskabelig medarbejder

Two new Group Leaders at DANDRITE

DANDRITE appoints Dr. Duda Kvitsiani and Dr. Keisuke Yonehara as Group Leaders for a five year period with a possibility of extension to a maximum of nine years. Both scientists will start their research activities at DANDRITE this autumn on neuronal circuits in brain function. A total of four Group Leaders are now recruited at DANDRITE with…

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