08.05.2019 | Navnenyt, Forskning, Alle grupper
Brattico shares neuroscientific view on beauty in discussion with mathematician and choreographer.
08.05.2019 | Møde, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed
08.05.2019 | Møde, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed
08.05.2019 | Møde, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed
08.05.2019 | Bevillinger og priser, Sundhed og sygdom, Videnskabelig medarbejder
Two new network projects at Aarhus University have been established in order to generate new knowledge that can help society achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The networks are funded by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation at AU with DKK 1 million each.
07.05.2019 | Seminar, Forskning, Alle grupper
Prof Markus Müller from Center for Science of Complex Systems, UNAM (Mexico) visits MIB and gives talk titled: Multiple scaling behaviour and nonlinear traits in music scores
07.05.2019 | Forskning, Forskning, Alle grupper
To ingeniørstuderende fra Aarhus Universitet har udviklet en robot, der kan identificere og tælle insekter. Det giver forskere nye muligheder for at opdage tidlige forandringer i biodiversitet.
07.05.2019 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Sundhed og sygdom, Offentligheden/Pressen
Effectiveness of geriatrician-performed comprehensive geriatric care in older people referred to a Danish community rehabilitation unit.
07.05.2019 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Sundhed og sygdom, Ph.d.-studerende
Adherence to recommended preventive medication treatment among men aged 65-74 with cardiovascular disease in a screening trial.
07.05.2019 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Sundhed og sygdom, Offentligheden/Pressen
Aspects of fertility in patients with restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis.