Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Aarhus University no. 109 on Times Higher Education Rankings

Aarhus University now ranks number 109 on the internationally respected Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.

06.09.2017 | Camilla Schrøder

Photo: Anders Trærup

In addition to the THE World University Rankings 2017, which have just been published, there are numerous other international university rankings. THE is unique in measuring research, teaching and knowledge transfer.

Like many other universities, Aarhus University has moved up and down the list over the years. Last year was the best year yet with Aarhus University as no. 98, but this year’s result is still one of the best since 2010. Among over 17,000 universities worldwide, Aarhus University still ranks close to the top 100 as the top Danish university together with the University of Copenhagen.



Administrativt, Administration (Faglighed), Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder, Aarhus Universitet, Uddannelse