Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Advanced Neuroscience Course - Learning and Memory

26.05.2021 | Karoline Klitgaard

Dato lør 28 aug lør 04 sep
Tid 00:00    00:00
Sted Venice, Italy
Tilmelding er lukket

This Advanced Course will bring together world experts in examining memory (and the engrams that support them) at multiple levels of analysis from synapses and neurons to circuits and systems applying a variety of different techniques to animal models in health and diseases. Each day of the course, an Instructor will give an in-depth presentation, followed by an interactive question period. Following this, students pre-arranged in small groups will make a joint proposal on experiments based on the earlier lecture. The entire group, including the Instructors, will provide feedback. Read more about the course here

Konference, Forskning, Alle grupper, Neurocampus, Neurocampus, Kursus, Arrangement