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Anders Nykjær recieves DKK 15 mio. from the Lundbeck Foundation

Anders receives DKK 15 mio for the 5-year project "Sortilin - balancing synaptic strength and mood states".

07.02.2018 | Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard

Prof Anders Nykjær.

The project aims at evaluating the impact of the receptor sortilin on affective disorders and to study the mechanisms by which it regulates communication between neurons in the healthy and diseased brain. By combining a number of innovative methodologies including human genetics, structural biology, the use of transgenic mouse models, and advanced imaging techniques, we will gain insight into how sortilin impacts on behaviour and whether regulating its function up or down may represent an attractive means to control mood.



Bevillinger og priser, Forskning, Alle grupper, Promemo, Promemo, Neurocampus