Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Arctic Seminar Series:

14.04.2014 | Projekt sekretær ARC Mia Korsbæk

Dato tir 22 apr
Tid 15:00 16:00
Sted Arctic Research Centre (ARC) C.F. Møllers Allé 8, building 1111, room 100


‘Quiet! They are hiding under the ice’: encounters and relations among scientists and hunters in Qeqertarsuaq. 

Presentation by Pelle Tejsner, Assistant Professor (ARC/Arts)

Local Inuit (Qeqertarsuarmiut) on Disco Island, West Greenland, share a long history of colonial encounters with European whalers, Danish colonial authorities and, more recently, visiting scientists in ‘hot’ pursuit of evidence for a warming planet. The establishment of the permanently manned Arctic Station in 1905 on the outskirts of Qeqertarsuaq provides a rich context for exploring the longstanding history of contact and relations between local hunters and visiting scientists who often rely on Inuit assistance for carrying out their field research on and around otherwise traditional communal hunting grounds. During a year of fieldwork in Qeqertarsuaq I worked alongside both hunters and scientists and a study of the relations between the respective communities reveals an environment which is simultaneously perceived as a ‘field site’, constituting the backdrop for the rights-of-passage of arctic field-based sciences but moreover, a lively, giving world of harvesting opportunities among Qeqertarsuarmiut residents. The presentation will focus on some of the key aspects to emerge from encounters between hunters and biologists, where issues of conflict and collaboration often become entangled while creating differing, even conflicting agendas and priorities regarding socio-environmental relations, work routines and everyday knowledge of local weather, animals and sea ice conditions.  


The Arctic Seminars is a forum for interdisciplinary discussions on research perspectives in the Arctic region. The presenters in the Seminar series come from a variety of disciplines across the four faculties involved in ARC.  All interested are welcome to participate. There will be coffee and tea during the seminar.