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Articles from Sten, Rasmus, Daniel & Mia published in the journal Dansk Sportsmedicin!

Sten Rasmussen presents the article "overuse injuries in running". Rasmus Nielsen presents the article (danish) "Informationen er tilgængelig, den skal bare anvendes...". Daniel Ramskov and Mia Beck Lichtenstein presents the article (danish) "hele det smertefulde aspekt - genoptræning af sportsudøveren".

26.08.2016 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Three RUNSAFE'rs are featured in the new edition of Dansk Sportsmedicin (nr. 3; 20; 2016).


Sten Rasmussen, in collaboration with lars Henrik Larsen and Jens Erik Jørgensen, presents the article "overuse injuries in running", herein discussing what overuse injuries in running is, and what athletes and clinicians can do to avoid them.

Rasmus Nielsen, in collaboration with Uffe Læssøe, presents the article (danish) "Informationen er tilgængelig, den skal bare anvendes...", in which they discuss the technological advances of measuring and registering physical activity. 

Daniel Ramskov and Mia Beck Lichtenstein, in collaboration with Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson, presents the article (danish) "hele det smertefulde aspekt - genoptræning af sportsudøveren", in which they discuss athletes' perception of injury-related pain and the psychological perspectives of pain and injuries among athletes.

Access to all articles can be found here

Forskning, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe