Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Cardiac Seminars: A multifaceted role for Pannexin1 in ischemic heart disease

Join us for this third out of four diverse and enlightening seminars at University of Copenhagen in person or via Zoom. Researchers from all over Europe give a talk on their latest cardiovascular research. This seminar will give insight into the role of Pannexin1 in ischemic heart disease.

12.10.2021 | Lene Halgaard


Dato tir 02 nov
Tid 09:15 10:15
Sted Copenhagen

A multifaceted role for Pannexin1 in ischemic heart disease / Brenda Kwak, University of Geneva Medical School

Time: 2nd November 9:15-10:15:

Place: University of Copenhagen (Panum Institute, Faculty Club 16.6.16)

Or join Zoom Meeting: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/68043754021

Extracellular ATP is a central signaling molecule in inflammatory responses. Pannexin1 (Panx1) channels release ATP in a controlled manner and have been implicated in various inflammatory pathologies. This seminar will highlight the diverse roles of this protein in ischemic heart disease - from the initiation of atherosclerosis, through atherothrombosis and myocardial infarction as well as reperfusion injury.

Brenda Kwak is PhD and professor in the Department of Pathology and Immunology at the University of Geneva Medical School. In 2003, she established a research group in Switzerland. Her research focuses on the role of connexins/pannexins in cardiovascular diseases with a strong immuno-inflammatory component. More recently, she is also investigating the role of biomechanical forces in neurovascular disease

Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, DCAcademy, DCAcademy