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CFIN & MIB GUEST TALK: Mark Woolrich

Mark Woolrich from Oxford University is visiting Aarhus and will give a CFIN & MIB Guest Talk on: "Transient Brain States and Metastates"

21.04.2017 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

Dato man 08 maj
Tid 13:30 15:00
Sted Kirurgisk Auditorium K, AUH, building 7 (entrance via basement/tunnel), Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C.


The guest talk will take place in the Kirurgisk Auditorium K, AUH building 7 (entrance via the basement/tunnel), Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C.
See map ...


In recent years interest has grown in the study of large-scale networks of functionally specific brain regions, principally through the use of fMRI on the resting brain. However, it is unclear how the apparently slow dynamics typically associated with fMRI resting state networks relate to the much faster time scales of cognitive processing. In this talk I will present a new perspective, using hidden Markov models and MEG data to reveal network activity as consisting of fast transient events of distinct network activity and phase coupling, which exist on the 50-200ms timescale. We use this approach in task data to show that often observed sustained oscillations may actually correspond to the probability of occurrence of fast transient events; and in rest data to show that the default mode network operates as two distinct anterior and posterior subnetworks, in delta and alpha band respectively. 



Arrangement, Sundhed og sygdom, Videnskabelig medarbejder, CFIN, CFIN, Ph.d.-studerende, Forskningsårsstuderende, Udvekslingsstuderende, Studerende, Kommende studerende