Prof Dr Martin Lotze, a neurologist and neuroscientist from the University of Greifswald, Germany, is visiting MIB and will give a talk.
08.01.2019 | Hella Kastbjerg
Dato | man 04 mar |
Tid | 13:30 — 14:30 |
Sted | Meeting room 4th floor, DNC Building 10G, AUH Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C |
Brain imaging of sensorimotor integration in musicians and chill responses to music.
Training with an instrument or one’s own voice challenges the brain with tight sensorimotor interaction. These loops shape function and structure of the central nervous system. On the basis of the neuroscience of CNS plasticity we will here present own work from the last two decades on these processes measured with functional and structural MRI and transcranial magnetic stimulation.