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Communication awards to two DCE researchers

The two awards for best research communication at the Danish Cancer Research Days 2021 both go to researchers at DCE.

25.08.2021 | Tina Christensen

Mette Kielsholm Thomsen, PhD student at DCE, has received the award for excellent communication of her research in colorectal cancer screening.

"Mette Kielsholm Thomsen manages to communicate a complex mathematical issue to a wide audience. She has made an exemplary video, which frames the issue, and methods and results are explained calmly and in an involving and narrative manner. In addition, the poster and the video complement each other incredibly well,” says head of the evaluation committee, professor and consultant Henrik Frederiksen from University of Southern Denmark.

View Mette’s poster and the award announcement [in Danish], which includes Mette’s video.

Elisabeth Solmunde, medical student affiliated with DCE, has received the other communication award for a poster and a video explaining the risk of hypothyroidism in breast cancer survivors - with patients as the target audience.

"Elisabeth Solmunde is searching for an answer to a question – a question regarding a problem that very few even think about, least of all the women who receive radiation due to breast cancer. This constitutes a nice frame for the background, methods and results, which she guides the viewer through in a competent manner in both the poster and the video presentation,” says head of the evaluation committee, professor Henrik Frederiksen.

View Elisabeth’s poster and the award announcement [in Danish], which includes Elisabeth’s video.

In total, 184 posters and 70 videos were submitted to the Danish Cancer Research Days, which are held on August 26 and 27. 10 DCE researchers are participating in the event and have contributed to 12 posters.

Bevillinger og priser, Ph.d.-studerende, Dept Clin Epi, Dept Clin Epi, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Videnskabelig medarbejder