Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Conference: State Aid, Taxation and Sustainable Growth Beyond 2020

13.09.2013 | Professor Pernille Wegener Jessen

Dato tor 31 okt
Tid 08:00 18:00
Sted The Conference Center, Fredrik Nielsensvej 2-4 Building 1421 8000 Aarhus C

The conference is prepared as an exploratory international workshop on State Aid, Taxation and Sustainable Growth Beyond 2020.

The workshop provides not only an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants to come together, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging issues, but also the possibility of identifying fields of research which generally fall within the theme of Environmental Taxes and EU State Aid law. The overall objective of the workshop is to incite further-reaching collaborative projects among academics, practitioners and consultants from EU and Non EU countries

The workshop will consist of plenary sessions and seminar-based working groups. The seminar-based working groups will consist of a mix of invited speakers and speakers chosen following this call for papers. The organizers are seeking contributions to cover the following themes or related themes:

  • Environmental taxation: concepts and design options
  • Environmental taxes versus subsidies
  • The impact of the State aid modernization process on environmental taxation
  • The relationship between the EU ETS, the Energy Taxation Directive and State aid
  • Harmonization of environmental taxes and Environmental tax reforms (ETRs)
  • Asymmetric climate policies and the role of the WTO and/or the NAFTA


Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder, Konference
Tags: Taxation, State aid, sustainable growth, conference, law