Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

CSR Conference

13.09.2013 | Professor Karsten Engsig Sørensen

Dato tir 12 nov ons 13 nov
Tid 10:00    18:00
Sted Department of Law, Aarhus University

The adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies is no longer a matter of voluntary practice on the part of the business community. In one sense, it was never voluntary, being in most cases a response to market pressure and fear of image loss. However, increasingly CSR is also subject to legal enforcement, not necessarily in the form of conventional judicial systems but rather through government intervention and the establishment of platforms for mediation and conflict settlement.

In light of such initiatives, the CSR Legal Research Network, the ReSET Research Group and Danish Mediation and Complaints-Handling Institution for Responsible Business Conduct have organized the following two-day conference with two purposes in mind:

  1. to introduce businesses and experts in specialized fields to the broad theme of CSR and law
  2. to promote an active discussion of the issues of how and to what extent CSR measures should be encouraged through law

We have assembled an international and inter-disciplinary group of key-presenters and discussants that will focus on CSR responses from a legal and a broader social science perspective.

Themes of the two days:

  • DAY ONE: Strengthening the implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises through mediation and conflict resolution
  • DAY TWO: The Danish CSR reporting and verification agenda

Organisers at Department of law
Karsten Engsig Sørensen
Department of Law
Bartholins Allé 16
building 1410, room 246
8000 Aarhus C
Direct phone: (+45) 87164915

Birgitte Egelund Olsen
Department of Law
Bartholins Allé 16
building 1411, room 153
8000 Aarhus C
Direct phone: (+45) 87164809


Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder, Konference
Tags: CSR, conference, law, implementation