Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Danish Stroke Collaboration Symposium 2016

20.05.2016 | Hella Kastbjerg

Dato tor 16 jun fre 17 jun
Tid 14:30    14:30
Sted Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital

The Danish Stroke Collaboration

The research groups at Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN), Aarhus University and Department of Neurobiology Research, University of Southern Denmark would like to gather all Danish stroke researchers for a meeting that hopefully will be a future annual event. The hope is that everyone with an interest in stroke research in Denmark will attend and thus be able to present and discuss current stroke research, exchange knowledge, and begin new collaborations on a national scale. Topics will be both clinical and basic stroke research.

We propose several scientific talks given by senior researchers and a keynote speaker as well as chaired poster sessions for younger researchers.

Please look here for more information:


Forskning, Alle grupper, Health, Konference