Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

DDA webinar on diabetic polyneuropathy

In collaboration with the Danish Diabetes Academy, postdoc Páll Karlsson will give a 30-minute online introduction to diabetic polyneuropathy.

19.09.2016 | Helle Obenhausen Andersen

Dato tir 04 okt
Tid 11:00 12:00
Tilmelding er lukket

In this webinar, Páll will give an introduction to this common and serious complication of diabetes. He will focus on the relationship between the structure and function of the sensory nerve fibers that give rise to the clinical symptoms. He will also cover his own research, which focuses on finding changes in the nerve fibers that may explain why some patients develop chronic pain while others do not.

More information and registration:

Forskning, Videnskabelig medarbejder, IDNC, IDNC