Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Department Seminar

10 January at 12-13 p.m. "Bromodomain containing 1 in schizophrenia"

04.01.2017 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Dato tir 10 jan
Tid 12:00 13:00
Sted Biochemistry Aud 6 lecture hall


Speaker: Jane Hvarregaard Christensen

Title: “Bromodomain containing 1 in schizophrenia”



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The bromodomain containing 1 (BRD1) gene has repeatedly been associated with schizophrenia in genetic case-control studies. BRD1 encodes a protein that belongs to the small BRPF family of bromodomain and PHD finger-containing proteins known to serve as scaffold proteins in histone modifying complexes. In cell lines, BRD1 attaches to genomic regions primarily close to transcription start sites, and it has been found to influence the expression of large gene sets. I will present our studies aiming to characterize the biology underlying the disease association of BRD1.


Best regards

The Biomedical Seminar Organizing Committee

Camilla Gustafsen
Yonglun Luo (Alun)

Seminar, Forskning, Forskningsårsstuderende, Institut for Biomedicin, Studier på Health, Ph.d.-studerende, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Videnskabelig medarbejder