Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Diabetes Research Symposium: Digital Health & Self-Management 26-27 May 2021

This 2-day symposium will introduce you to current research and evidence-based clinical work within digital health and self-management in diabetes. Focus areas are glucose management, and prevention and treatment of diabetes complications.

29.03.2021 | Johanne Gregor Nielsen

Dato tor 27 maj fre 28 maj
Tid 13:22    13:22
Sted Aalborg

27-28 May 2021 in Aalborg:


Diabetes Research Symposium: Digital Health & Self-Management


This 2-day symposium will introduce you to current research and evidence-based clinical work within digital health and self-management in diabetes. Focus areas are glucose management, and prevention and treatment of diabetes complications.


The symposium is directed to PhD students (2 ECTS) and clinicians as well as people working with or having an interest in diabetes research.


PhD students have the opportunity to present a poster and receive constructive feedback on their work by senior researchers in field.


The symposium is organised by the Department of Health Science & Technology, Aalborg University and Steno Diabetes Center North Denmark in collaboration with the Danish Diabetes Academy.


See more here: https://www.danishdiabetesacademy.dk/events/diabetes-research-symposium-digital-health-self-management

Kursus, Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder, Aarhus Universitet