Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Emma Louth published a lay article online in Videnskab.dk

Emma Louth, who worked for 4 years as postdoc in Marco Capogna's group and recently moved to Copenhagen University, published a lay article on projects using human cortical tissue resected from brain neurosurgery patients.

30.11.2021 | Magnus Kræpping Andersen

Picture of Emma Louth,

The project is led by Marco Capogna, at Biomedicine, and by Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen and Anders Rosendal Korshøj, at Aarhus University Hospital. This approach is unique in Denmark.

Here is the link to the article

Forskning, Ph.d.-studerende, Dandrite, Dandrite, Studerende, Promemo, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Neurocampus