Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Funding for new Parkinson’s disease animal model for pain

Associate Professor Christian B. Vægter and Professor Poul Henning Jensen have received a 280000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson’s Foundation.

22.11.2019 | Aisha Rafique

Core Group Leader Professor Poul Henning Jensen.

Associate Professor Christian B. Vægter

Associate Professor Christian B. Vægter and Professor Poul Henning Jensen have received a 280000 DKK grant from the Danish Parkinson’s Foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) for the collaborative project entitled “Development and characterization of an animal model to study Parkinson’s associated pain based on a-synuclein aggregation”. The two research groups, with complementary expertise in Pain and Parkinson’s Disease, will in close collaboration characterize a new animal model for the type of pain that is associated to Parkinson’s Disease. The project is driven by Assistant Professor Nelson Ferreira and postdoc Nadia Concalves, and involve collaborators from Linköping University. 

Bevillinger og priser, Offentligheden/Pressen, Dandrite, Institut for Biomedicin, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Promemo