Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Funding from Helsefonden to MIB researcher Cecilie Møller

Helsefonden grants DKK 400,000 for research on CI-children.

20.05.2016 | Hella Kastbjerg

Cecilie Møller

Cecilie Møller from Center for Music in the Brain/Department of Psychology, AU has just received DKK 400,000 from Helsefonden for the project “Sing with your child - Cochlear implanted children's auditory and linguistic benefits of a musically enriched home environment”.

The grant will partially finance a longitudinal intervention study that includes children with CI and their parents. The aim of the project is to investigate the effect of daily musical activities on the children’s language and auditory development at the behavioural as well as the neural level.

The project group consists of Cecilie Møller, Bjørn Petersen, Lauren Stewart, Eino Partanen, Therese Ovesen and Peter Vuust.


Bevillinger og priser, Musicinthebrain, Forskning, Alle grupper, Musicinthebrain, Health