Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Guest lecture: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Role of the Diplomat

18.03.2015 | kontorfunktionær Martin Munk Stigaard

Dato ons 25 mar
Tid 13:15 14:00
Sted Building 1481, room 341

The English Lecture Society and the America Studies Center Aarhus at the Department of English will host the Deputy Chief of Mission from the United States Embassy, Karl Stoltz. Deputy Chief of Mission Stoltz, who is second in command at the embassy, will speak on “U.S. Foreign Policy and the Role of the Diplomat” on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 from 13:15-14 in 1481-341.

Besides his time in Denmark, DCM Stoltz will draw on his experiences in South Africa, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, and New Zealand.

Please join us for an interesting account of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy and the role diplomats play in executing it.


Note: The event has been moved to 1481-341!
