Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

A PhD study gives hope for improved diagnosis and treatment of cardiac amyloidosis

PhD student Oscar Westin impressed his audience at the winter school at Copenhagen University third of September and received an award for best oral presentation. He is researching the prevalence of undiagnosed cardiac amyloidosis.

16.09.2021 | Lene Halgaard

Oscar Mikael Westin is third year PhD student at University of Copenhagen.

Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is an underdiagnosed cause of heart failure. Third year PhD student Oscar Westin is performing a study on older patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, as they are in risk of suffering from CA. Through Danish Health Registries he has found 1100 patients matching his criteria and 235 patients are now part of his study.

Once patients are diagnosed with CA, their treatment can be optimized, in order to alleviate symptoms and to avoid contraindicated drugs. Several disease-modifying drugs for CA are emerging, and the first one is on its way to be approved in Denmark. Oscar Westin presented his interesting study at the DCAcademy winter school at Copenhagen University and received an award for best oral presentation.

”I hope that my study will contribute to earlier diagnosis and improved treatment for patients suffering from cardiac amyloidosis” says Oscar Westin.

The study called CACTUS is the first study of its kind in Denmark to investigate the prevalence of undiagnosed CA among patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Oscar Westin is also working as a medical doctor at the Department of Cardiology at Rigshospitalet.

Navnenyt, Offentligheden/Pressen, DCAcademy, DCAcademy