Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Introduction course for grant recipients

This course will introduce grant holders to the Academy and the Danish cardiovascular research environment.

14.09.2021 | Lene Halgaard

Introduction course 15th - 16th of August 2022

Introduction course 11th - 12th of March 2022

Dato fre 11 mar lør 12 mar
Tid 11:25    11:25
Sted Assens

DCAcademy call 1 grant recipients are invited to a 1 ½ -day obligatory introduction course. The course will introduce the grant holders to the Academy and the Danish cardiovascular research environment. At the course the participants will officially be appointed science ambassadors for the Danish Heart Foundation.

Through mentoring circles and networking activities we wish to give the DCAcademy grant holders the best possible offset for their cardiovascular research projects.

Programme and possibility of registration will follow.

Place: Gl. Avernæs Sinatur Hotel & Konference

Kursus, Offentligheden/Pressen, DCAcademy, DCAcademy