Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Knowlegde-sharing in ”Dansk Sportsmedicin”-journal

RUNSAFE contributes with three non-peer reviewed articles (in Danish) in the May-issue of Dansk Sportsmedicin.

13.05.2017 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Dansk Sportsmedicin is a Danish journal for the members of ”Dansk Idrætsmedicinsk Selskab” and “Dansk Selskab for Sportsfysioterapi” and others with special interest in sports medicine. In the May-issue, RUNSAFE contributes with the following articles

Running shoes

Ph.d.-student from Aalborg University, René Korsgaard Brund, shares viewpoints and latest evidence-based knowledge surrounding running shoes and injury risk. The main conclusion put forward reveals running shoes to affect injury risk. In addition, René argues that all runners will sustain injury if they run too much regardless of their choice of running shoe.

Prevalence proportion of running injuries in Denmark 2016

Andreas Bueno and Rasmus Nielsen from Aarhus University shed light on the prevalence (amount) and prevalence proportion (frequency) of running-related injuries based on a population-based survey distributed by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies (IDAN) to a representative sample of the Danish population above the age of 15. 

STAMP model

Daniel Ramskov and Rasmus Nielsen from Aarhus University discuss the use of a Systems Accident Mapping and Processes (STAMP) in the Danish running context. The model is an adapted version of an Australian model recently published by Adam Hulme et al., who states that the direct application of STAMP might offer new knowledge about how to prevent RRI, such as exposing questions around the feasibility of adopting novel injury prevention interventions that do not directly target runners themselves.



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Forskning, Forskning, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe