Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Konference: Systems Neuroscience and Decision Making

18.06.2019 | Health Kommunikation

Dato ons 07 aug tor 08 aug
Tid 08:30    08:30
Sted The AIAS Auditorium, Bygning 1632, Lokale 201, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus, Danmark

Systems Neuroscience and Decision Making (SYNDI) is a small conference organized by Duda Kvitsiani (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Balazs Hangya (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary) around the general topic of neural mechanisms of decision making, learning and other cognitive processes. One of the aims of the meeting is to bring together labs working on different levels: from molecules to cells and circuits as well as using variety of model organisms and approaches to answer fundamental questions in behavioral neuroscience.

Konference, Ph.d.-studerende, Ekstern målgruppe, Health, Offentligheden/Pressen, Health, Studerende, Institut for Biomedicin, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Institut for Folkesundhed