Professor, Director, Translational Adipose Biology and Obesity, Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA: "Mechanisms of adipose tissue expansion and links to metabolic health"
17.09.2020 |
Dato | tor 24 sep |
Tid | 14:30 — 15:15 |
Sted | Zoom meeting no: 67673263403 |
Your are invited to an online MEMBRANES Seminar on Thursday 24 September at 14:30-15:15 by Professor, Director Susan K. Fried.
Please join the meeting by clicking on the link:
The term 'adipose expansion' is now often used to mean 'hyperplasia', i.e. an increase in 'healthy' fat storage capacity by increasing the number of adipocytes. Hypertrophy of adipocytes is thought to 'inevitably' lead to the metabolic complications of obesity. However, depot, sex and species differences in these processes show that these relationships are more complex. New insights into the underlying mechanisms of adipose expansion and implications for adipocyte function will be discussed.
The seminar is hosted by Associate Professor Janne Lebeck, Department of Biomedicine, Health, Aarhus University.
Best wishes
Søren Brandt Poulsen
Research Theme Manager
The Department of Biomedicine
Aarhus University