Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Mia Lichtenstein at EPA congress

25th European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence, Italy, 1-4 April 2017

17.01.2017 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Dato lør 01 apr tir 04 apr
Tid 11:26    11:26
Sted Florence, Italy
Tilmelding er lukket

RUNSAFE member and associate professor in psychiatry Mia Beck Lichtenstein from University of Southern Denmark attends the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence, Italy, 1-4 April 2017. At the conference, Mia will present an e-poster entitled "Psychosocial Functioning in Injured and Non-injured Athletes with Symptoms of Exercise Addiction Psychosocial Functioning in Injured and Non-injured Athletes with Symptoms of Exercise Addiction". Rasmus Nielsen from RUNSAFE is a co-author on the abstract accepted by the scientific committee. 

Konference, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe