Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Mia Lichtenstein Finishes 3rd in PhD Cup 2015

RUNSAFE proudly congratulate Mia Beck Lichtenstein with her tremendous 3rd place amongst 8 finalists in the nation-wide Danish PhD cup 2015.

18.04.2015 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

On stage, Mia spoke about exercise addiction in Denmark. Importantly, she included examples about injuries and the fact that many continue to exercise with injuries, which may lead to chronic painful conditions. Mia intelligently used running shoes to tell the important story about the negative consequences of too much exercise. Her story about Carina and Kent made her performance present and interesting. Congratulations Mia from all RUNSAFE´ers.

PhD cup is held one per year and broadcasted in Danish television. It is extremely prestigious, since it is an excellent way to show, that you are intensely engaged in the dissemination of knowledge.

Samarbejde, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe, Talentudvikling, Navnenyt, Arrangement