Olivier Lartillot visits MIB and gives talk on the MIRtoolbox
11.10.2016 |
Dato | man 14 nov |
Tid | 11:00 — 12:00 |
Sted | Meeting room 5th floor, DNC Building 10G, Aarhus Universityhospital, Nørrebrogade |
MIRtoolbox: A Matlab toolbox for audio and musical feature extraction
This tutorial provides an overview of MIRtoolbox, a Matlab toolbox for the design and extraction of music features from audio recordings. A user-friendly syntax allows the design of elaborate processes without having to care about technical details. An innovative environment makes the toolbox easy to use for both beginners and expert users, for pedagogy and for research purposes. Large set of features can be extracted from large batches of long audio files. The toolbox was primarily designed for the study of interrelationships between audio and music features and induced emotions.
The workshop also previews a new framework, called MiningSuite, a continuation of MIRtoolbox that articulates both audio and score representations and musicological analyses. The MiningSuite features an integrative set of tools for the analysis of music scores and MIDI files: among others, segmentation in the form of hierarchical grouping, melodic reduction, motivic analysis through exhaustive pattern mining.