Guest from University of Helsinki visit MIB and give talk about music-based interventions in rehabilitation.
18.01.2019 |
Dato | man 18 feb |
Tid | 13:30 — 14:30 |
Sted | Meeting room 4th floor, DNC Building 10G, Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus |
Clinical efficacy and neural mechanisms of music-based interventions in stroke and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation and dementia rehabilitation
During the last decades, there have been major advances in mapping the brain regions that underlie our ability to perceive, experience, and produce music and how musical training can shape the structure and function of the brain. This progress has fueled clinical interest on the use of music-based interventions
in neurological rehabilitation and care. In this talk, we will present on overview of music rehabilitation studies that have been and are currently being performed in Helsinki at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit. This includes behavioural and neuroimaging studies about the effects of (i) music listening in stroke rehabilitation and the use of songs as mnemonic aids, (ii) caregiver-implemented singing and music listening in dementia care, (iii) playing-based neurological music therapy in traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation, and (iv) choir singing and group-based melodic intonation therapy in aphasia rehabilitation.