Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Mini Symposium

Imaging and Biomarkers in neurodegeneration

16.05.2019 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Dato tir 11 jun
Tid 09:15 11:15
Sted The Eduard Biermann Lake Auditorium, building 1252-204


  • Professor Gwen Smith PhD, Richman Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA: "Multi-Modality Imaging of Neurodegeneration in Late Life Cognitive Decline and Depression".
  • Professor Deniz Kirik PhD MD, Dept of Exp. Med. Science, Lund Univ. Sweden: "Investigating Synuclein as a Biomarker Outcome in Parkinson’s Disease"

The symposium is organised by Dr. Romero-Ramos (mrr@biomed.au.dk). 


The invited speakers will act as opponents of Jenny–Ann Phan’s PhD defense later in the day at 13:00 at the same venue. All are welcome. 


Best regards

Marina Romero-Ramos





Symposium, Forskning, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Health, Institut for Biomedicin, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin, Ph.d.-studerende, Offentligheden/Pressen