Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Minister for Health visits Center for Music in the Brain

Friday 23 March, MIB was happy to host Ellen Trane Nørby who was very interested in hearing about our research.

04.04.2018 | Hella Kastbjerg

Minister for Health Ellen Trane Nørby first heard short talks by professor Peter Vuust, assistant professor Bjørn Petersen, professor Morten Kringelbach and professor Leif Østergaard.

Afterwards professor Elvira Brattico gave her a tour in the lab to see some "live" research.

From left: Chairman of the Regional Council in Region Midt Anders Kühnau, MIB professor Elvira Brattico, Minister for Health Ellen Trane Nørby and MIB professor Peter Vuust.

A demonstration of PhD student Ole Heggli's EEG study.

PhD student Davide Ligato is explaining his project that investigates how the perceptual system interacts with the motor system to control vocal production.

Ellen Trane Nørby is listening to the pitch shift of a subject being scanned in the 3T MRI scanner.

PhD student David Quiroga is talking about his project that combines MEG and MRI to understand when and where in the brain musicians and nonmusians process different musical features



Photos by Lars Kruse, AU Foto









Navnenyt, Forskning, Alle grupper, Musicinthebrain, Musicinthebrain