Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Neuroscience Day 2017

On May 2, NeuroCampus Aarhus will host ”Neuroscience Day 2017”. The event will take place in the Lakeside Lecture Theatres, bldg. 1250-3, Aarhus University, and is open to all pre- and post-graduate students, postdocs, assistant and associate professors, professors, clinicians, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.


Neuroscience Day 2017.

Neuroscience Day 2017.

Dato tir 02 maj
Tid 08:00 17:30
Sted Lakeside Lecture Theatres, bldg. 1250-3, Aarhus University

A central theme this year is memory, i.e. the underlying molecular mechanisms in the healthy brain and what goes wrong in the diseased brain. Prof. Richard Morris, who was awarded the Brain Prize in 2016 for his ground-breaking research on memory and learning, will give a keynote talk. Foundations, scientific associations, and patient and professional organisations spanning the broad field of neuroscience are also invited. We expect more than 400 researchers, students, and foundation and organization representatives to attend this year's Neuroscience Day.

A central theme this year is memory, i.e. the underlying molecular mechanisms in the healthy brain and what goes wrong in the diseased brain. Prof. Richard Morris, who was awarded the Brain Prize in 2016 for his ground-breaking research on memory and learning, will give a keynote talk.

Foundations, scientific associations, and patient and professional organisations spanning the broad field of neuroscience are also invited.

We expect more than 400 researchers, students, and foundation and organization representatives to attend this year's Neuroscience Day.


Link to the program
Link to sponsors and exhibitions 

Invited keynote speakers:

  • Brain Prize Winner 2016 Prof. Richard Morris, University of Edinburgh. More information.
  • Prof. Maiken Nedergaard, Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen. More information.

Invited speakers:

  • Prof. Dorthe Berntsen, CON AMORE, AU
  • Prof. Gregers Wegener, Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU
  • Assoc. prof. Ditte Demontis, iPSYCH, AU
  • Assoc. Prof. Carmela Matrone, Dept. of Biomedicine, AU
  • CEO and Founder of Brain+, Kim Baden-Kristensen
  • Jan Egebjerg, Vice President Neurodegeneration and Biologics, Lundbeck
  • Julie Rubow and Bjørn Jakobsen, "Life with Alzheimers" 
  • Nis Peter Nissen, Director of the Danish Alzheimer Association 

Foundations, associations, and organizations in attendance:

  • The Danish Alzheimer Association - Director Nis Peter Nissen


Registration is expected to open 10 March.

Konference, Offentligheden/Pressen, Institut for Biomedicin, Health, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Health, Videnskabelig medarbejder