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Neuroscience Day 2018

On the 1st of May, NeuroCampus Aarhus is hosting ”Neuroscience Day 2018”. The event is open to all students, researchers, clinicians, therapists, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.

06.03.2018 | Louise Gjørtz Christensen

Dato tir 01 maj
Tid 08:00 17:00
Sted Aarhus University Lakeside Lecture Theatres (Søauditorierne) Bartholins Allé 3, bldg. 1250 DK-8000 Aarhus C

On the 1st of May, NeuroCampus Aarhus is hosting "Neuroscience Day 2018”. The event is open to all students, researchers, clinicians, therapists, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.

The central themes this year are: 

  • Reward and Punishment
  • Gambling and Addiction
  • Compulsion and Motivation
  • Pleasure and Anhedonia 

The poster sessions are open to ALL areas of research related to neuroscience.

Registration will open in March.

Invited keynote speakers:

  • Brain Prize Winner 2017 Prof. Ray Dolan, University College London. More information here.
  • Prof. Morten Kringelbach, Aarhus University and University of Oxford. More information here.
  • Thomas Ramsøy, Neurons Inc. More information here.

Invited speakers:

  • To be announced soon

Foundations, associations, and organizations in attendance:

  • The Brain Prize, Lundbeckfonden
  • More to be announced soon

For further information see NeuroCampus website.

Arrangement, Forskning, Alle grupper, Promemo, Promemo