Kendra Oudyk from University of Jyvaskyla is visiting MIB for the summer.
21.06.2017 |
Kendra is studying in the Music, Mind, and Technology Master's Degree Program at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. She is visiting MIB for the summer to work on her master's thesis with Elvira Brattico, who is one of her supervisors along with Petri Toiviainen and Iballa Burunat.
Formerly, Kendra received an Honours Bachelor of Music in Music Cognition as well as a Diploma in Music Performance (piano) from McMaster University in Canada. At McMaster, she was involved in several music cognition labs, including Laurel Trainor's LIVELab, Matthew Woolhouse's Digital Music Lab, and Michael Schutz's MAPLE Lab. She received funding from two Undergraduate Student Research Awards to investigate choral conducting gestures using three-dimensional motion capture technology. In addition to working as a research assistant, Kendra worked as a teaching assistant for an undergraduate harmony course, taught private piano lessons, and led wilderness camping trips during her time at McMaster.
For her thesis, Kendra is using fMRI to investigate the role of personality differences in perception of emotions in music. She is interested in methodological challenges in neuroimaging, and will be comparing the utility of traditional and novel methods for investigating individual differences using fMRI.