Two new Italian interns have started at MIB to work on MEG project.
29.03.2019 |
Virginia Fedele is a Bachelor’s student in Psychology currently enrolled at University of Bologna, Italy.
She has just started a 3-month research stay at MIB as a part of an Erasmus Internship.
During her stay, Virginia will work under the supervision of Elvira Brattico and Leonardo Bonetti on magnetoencephalography (MEG) data collected during an auditory memory task that adopted a simplified version of the old/new paradigm. Virginia will manly focus on the pre-processing and source reconstruction of the MEG data.
Francesco Carlomagno graduated in Psychology at the University of Bologna and obtained a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Urbino. Then, he received the title of "Non-Verbal Hypnosis Expert" after a postgraduate course where he learned the key role of rhythms and sounds to develop the state of hypnosis. Recently, he has worked for six months at the psychotherapy school called "Strategic Therapy Center" of Arezzo within the “Giorgio Nardone Group”.
Francesco has just started a six-month internship at MIB, working on magnetoencephalography (MEG) data to investigate the brain spatiotemporal dynamics during free listening of Johann Sebastian Bach’s music. He is supervised by Elvira Brattico and Leonardo Bonetti.