Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

A new year - a new publication

Professor Elvira Brattico jump starts the new year with a publication in Frontiers in Humans Neuroscience

13.01.2016 | Hella Kastbjerg

Elvira Brattico

Do laypersons and experts react differently to music? That's what Elvira Brattico together with colleagues from Finland, UK and Germany have investigated.

For this aim, 13 musicians and 16 non-musicians were brain scanned while listening to their most liked and disliked happy and sad musical pieces.

The study showed that different parts of the brain were active when listening to liked music than when listening to disliked music. Furthermore, it was evident that the brain parts responsible for the perception of sad and happy music are different from those related to musical enjoyment. Finally,  differences in the reaction of the brains of musicians and the brains of non-musicians were detected.

The full article is available here

Forskning, Forskning, Alle grupper, Musicinthebrain, Musicinthebrain, Health