Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

New study led by Akihiro Matsumoto from the Yonehara group

The study titled: “Direction selectivity in retinal bipolar cell axon terminals”, has been published online in Neuron. You can read more about the study and access it here.

16.08.2021 | Magnus Kræpping Andersen

The picture is a graphical abstract of the study.

Matsumoto et al. uncover that cardinal direction selectivity emerges in retinal bipolar cell axon terminals. The selectivity is established de novo at the terminals by starburst amacrine cells, mediated by both cholinergic transmission and widefield amacrine cells. The bipolar cells transmit tuned glutamate inputs to directional preference-matched ganglion cells.  

You can read the article here: https://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(21)00518-3

Forskning, Ph.d.-studerende, Dandrite, Dandrite, Videnskabelig medarbejder