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Open Lecture: Modernity in Common: Japan and World History

27.09.2013 | Studentermedhjælp Maria Kinch Palvig

Dato fre 04 okt
Tid 10:00 12:00
Sted Building 1441, room 113, Tåsingegade, 8000 Aarhus

Professor Gluck\'s lecture is based on the dual assumption that just as one cannot tell the modern history of
any society in isolation from the world, the history of the modern world can in fact be grasped from the vantage
point of any place on the globe. In this instance, the place is Japan.

One of a \'globeful of modernities\' Japan shares commonalities and connections with other modern societies. At the same time it offers the opportunity to develop ideas about the \'modern\' based on empirical evidence different from the European experiences that underlay earlier theories of modernity.

Followed by a research seminar at 13.00-15.00 in room 1467-316.

Please register your participation for the research seminar no later than Wednesday October 2.

Tags: Carol Gluck, Open lecture, Columbia University, Modernity in Common, Japan, World History