Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD defense: Christine Ahrends

The title of the project is: Uncertainty and predictability of human brain dynamics at rest, during auditory processing, and under LSD.

22.10.2020 | Hella Kastbjerg

Dato ons 07 jul
Tid 14:00 16:00
Sted Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium, Building 1262, Room 101

The project "Uncertainty and predictability of human brain dynamics at rest, during auditory processing, and under LSD"  was carried out by Christine Ahrends, who is defending her dissertation on 7/7-2021.

The defense is public and takes place in Samfundmedicinsk Auditorium, building 1262, room 101.
It can also be followed on Zoom: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62311592612

Assessment committee

Associate Professor Micah Allen, CFIN & AIAS, Aarhus University 

Professor Robert Leech, Centre for Neuroimaging Science Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience King's College London, UK

Director Viktor Jirsa, Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes (INS) Faculty of Medicine Aix-Marseille University, France    


PhD student Christine Ahrends
Mail: christine.ahrends@clin.au.dk 

After the defense, Center for Music in the Brain will host at small reception at Building 1710.

Ph.d.-forsvar, Musicinthebrain, Forskning, Alle grupper, Musicinthebrain, Arrangement