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PhD defense: Tingting Gu

CFIN researcher Tingting Gu will be defending her PhD entitled: "Do conditioned extracellular vesicles protect brains from ischemic injury? - proof from a murine stroke model" Thursday 17 June 2021

10.06.2021 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

Dato tor 17 jun
Tid 10:00 13:00
Sted Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium, Aarhus University, Bartholins Allé 4, 8000 Aarhus C.


Due to technical problems in the Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium, we might have to move Tingting Gu's defense to another auditorium.
We will know more Thursday morning, so look out for any changes in venue here at the website or in your email.

If the defense is moved, it will be held in AU Room 1150-115 on Ole Worms Alle.

Do conditioned extracellular vesicles protect brains from ischemic injury? - proof from a murine stroke model

Stroke is a severe brain disease that can lead to long-term disability and even death. Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) has been suggested as a promising treatment that is carried out using a blood measure cuff and holds the potential to protect the brain during stroke. Understanding the mechanism by which RIC activates the body’s own defence mechanisms against stroke can help establish the endogenous protective pathways for brain ischemia leading to better treatment. It has been reported that RIC affects the release of the so-called extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are nano sized particles released by many cells. To test the potential effects of these EVs in protecting the brain from stroke, EVs were isolated from the blood plasma of human subjects before and after RIC treatment and tested in a mouse stroke model. The distribution of these EVs in the ischemic brain, the acute effects on cerebral perfusion and oxygenation, and the prolonged effects of these EVs in neurological function and brain damage were investigated in this PhD project. The project was carried out by Tingting Gu, who is defending her dissertation on 17/06.

The defence is public and takes place on 17 June 2021, at 10:00 am in Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium, Aarhus University, Bartholins Allé 4, 8000 Aarhus C.


With Covid-19 restrictions the auditorium has room for 53 people.
Please remember to follow the general AU recommendations.


After the defence there will be a small reception at CFIN South (Building 1710, Universitetsbyen 3) in the pavilion ... and if the weather allows ... in the garden in front of the center.

For more information, please contact PhD student Tingting Gu,
Email: gutt@cfin.au.dk
Phone +45 50197695

Arrangement, Sundhed og sygdom, Videnskabelig medarbejder, CFIN, CFIN, Ph.d.-forsvar, Ph.d.-studerende, Musicinthebrain, Forskningsårsstuderende, Studerende