Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD network on education and research within the field of social work

FORSA is an association that works on linking practice, education and research within the field of social work. PhD students are invited to become members of the network.

18.10.2017 | Louise Nygaard Kristensen

FORSA has established a PhD network of 30 students from all national educational institutions. All members have one thing in common; their work/studies can be linked to the field of social work. The network is a forum for sharing knowledge, and includes after-work meetings, PhD students presenting their research to practitioners and institution representatives as well as news on recent publications, courses, conferences etc.

See www.forsa.dk for further information (in Danish only).

An upcoming activity is the annual meeting which will take place on 26 October 2017. See programme and more information (in Danish only).

It is free to become a member of the network. Go to membership registration.



Talentudvikling, Ph.d.-studerende, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health