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Professor Morten Overgaard (CNRU) in Sustainable Development Goals project

Two new network projects at Aarhus University have been established in order to generate new knowledge that can help society achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The networks are funded by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation at AU with DKK 1 million each.

08.05.2019 | Henriette Blæsild Vuust

One of the two projects that has received DKK 1 million from AU is the NFORM project that Professor Morten Overgaard from CFIN is co-applicant on.


About the NFORM project:

We will focus on finding sustainable new food solutions by developing new partnerships between Aarhus University, public stakeholders, international collaborators and private companies. We have limited the list of AU members to 14, as these will be co-chairing the working packages of the application. This is a strong group of researchers, each of them bringing their own research networks (and established industry collaborations), inside and outside AU to the new community that will be developed by NFORM.
NFORM involves research about food and health, as well as the perceptual and metacognitive elements of eating. Morten Overgaard will head this work package.    


The funding from AU to the NFORM project will mainly be used for networking activities.


Read more about the Sustainable Development Goals projects here ...

Bevillinger og priser, Sundhed og sygdom, Videnskabelig medarbejder, CFIN, CFIN, Forskning, Samfund og politik, Ph.d.-studerende, Musicinthebrain, Samarbejde