Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Program will make responsible conduct of research concrete

A new online learning platform for the responsible conduct of research is now available to all staff at Aarhus University. The program will be available until autumn 2014.

12.11.2013 | Sys Christina Vestergaard

The new e-learning platform was developed by international experts for the British system developer Epigeum, a spin-out from Imperial College, London. The program can help students and staff in:
•   Understanding the fundamental principles/values in all research
•   Learning about current standards for responsible conduct of research in an increasing complex global research community
•   Gaining practical advice on how individuals can handle complex situations and uncertainty about guidelines and standards
The program is available in five versions tailored to specific fields: biomedicine, the natural sciences, engineering, the social sciences and the humanities.

All versions contain five modules and cover a broad range of topics, including research involving humans or animals; plagiarism; conflicts of interest; authorship; peer review, guidelines for research collaboration, and data collection. 
The program offers a variety of learning options including: 
•   Video interviews with junior and senior researchers
•   Tests
•   Customisable learning portfolios to assist in self-evaluation and development

Research ethics and the responsible conduct of research are issues that have received a great deal of media attention. We must safeguard the credibility and integrity of researchers.
Aarhus University has initiated a process at its main academic areas aimed at developing a set of common guidelines for responsible conduct of research at the university. In autumn 2013, a discussion paper was sent out for consultation at the main academic areas. The paper contains input regarding what should be included in the guidelines.
It is intended to provide inspiration for local discussion at the main academic areas about the foundations on which shared AU guidelines should be established.

The discussion paper addresses the following topics:
•   The establishment of a clear AU policy for research integrity
•   The establishment of clear and precise discipline-specific standards for the responsible conduct of research
•   Mandatory training in responsible conduct of research at all levels
•   The establishment of a fair, effective procedure for investigating suspected breach of responsible conduct of research and a confidential advisory service
Read the guide to using the e-learning platform

Read the discussion paper

Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder