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Research year student in Ann Arbor

Research year student Frederik Pagh Kristensen from Aarhus University recently spent two months at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

19.12.2019 | Helle Vester

Research year student Frederik Pagh Kristensen

Research year student Frederik Pagh Kristensen

Frederik Pagh Kristensen had a two-month research stay at the Program for Neurology Research & Discovery at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA while doing his research year project on polyneuropathy and the use of statin therapy at our department.

We are grateful to Associate Professor Brian Callaghan, a colleague and collaborator of Frederik’s supervisor Associate Clinical Professor Reimar W. Thomsen, for hosting Frederik during his research stay.

You can read about Frederik’s research stay in this article by his host institution.

Forskning, Ph.d.-studerende, Dept Clin Epi, Dept Clin Epi, Navnenyt, Forskningsårsstuderende, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Videnskabelig medarbejder